Friday, 8 March 2013


What was Napster?
Napster was a file sharing P2P (person to person)company that was launched in summer of 1999 by a student called Shawn Fanning, at the height of its popularity it had more than 100 million users

Why was Napster Special?
Napster was special because it allowed people to send files across the internet for free this was special as it was the first real website that made it possible.

What was the response from the consumers?
Consumers flocked to the website making it easier to send files as the more people who have it made it easier to get the files. At its height Napster had over 100Million users showing that more people were using it rather than purchasing the CD's this can be proven by the sales figures 1999  12,816,2000 13,215 2001 12,909 as you can tell the figures start to fall for the sales of CD's as the more file sharing sites became popular in the noughties

 What was the response from the artists?
 Napster angered a lot of artists such as Dr Dre and Metallica who were the first real vanguard of the music industry painting the legions of filesharers as “common thieves” However a lot of bands such as Linkin Park benefiting from the internet and increased exposure from the P2P file sharing, as they released a demo in early 2000 of there song “Plaster” giving peple a taster so that they would want to buy the song. Others such as Negativland released a statement in 2002 stating there support to Napster “We encourage and promote the free exchange of our own music on the internet using file sharing programs and P2P networks… we consider this new opportunity to share our music and ideas with each other, to be good for us, god for society and good for art”

What happened to Napster?
In 2002 Napster faced a huge legal battle. In February 2001 Napster amounted over 2.79 billion violations, In June 2001 Napster shut down its entire network to comply with an injunction that was implaced, also they had to pay $26million in copyright infirngements  

Thursday, 14 February 2013

How has the Internet changed tv?

With the decision by Netflix to show every episode of House Of Cards online and bypass the waiting period that usually accompanies a T.V. show appearing in England. This is seen as a monumental change in T.V. as Producer Peter Kosminsky says "arrival of online service represents 'end of an era' for traditional model of broadcasting" which shows that even people in the inidustry are worrying about the change that is occuring. When Netflix bought the rights to House of Cards in 2011 for a rumoured over $100 Million however there is other suggetions that its at a cost of $3million an episode whic would bring the price down to a mere $78 million at least. this was a huge gamble for Netflix as with it just being on the internet may cause problems as they may loose viewership as the show isnt subject to as much advertisement as shows that are on Sky and other channels.

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Barack Obama's Twitter Fundraising Campaign(to be finished)

Since Obama's first campaign to be president of the USA he has raised digitally $690,000,000, even though Mitt Romney had the ability to get a bigger donations by his more corporate friends such as Donald Trump, however if you used Chris Anderson's Long Tail theory Obama got the more lower end donations which adds up to more than on or two big as more people can afford micro-transactions meaning more people would think they were paying less than what they are.

Thursday, 17 January 2013

HMV and Blockbuster going into administration!!!

Within the first few weeks of the HMV and Blockbuster have announced that they are entering administration. This has come about because of the new 'digital era' as more films can be stocked online they have a wider audience than what the combined shops can hold, this is because of Chris Anderson's Long Tail theory of that all the independent films and music companies add up to the amount of revenue as the main Blockbuster films that are sold in the country. The fact that HMV and Blockbuster are only shops means they cannot hold the amount of films required to keep the revenue flowing in to keep the company in business. 

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Twitter Stories some of the negative twitter stories that have come out of the UK, Many celebrities have used twitter to post negative comments towards fellow celebrities, they do this to provoke a reaction from them, also to get public opinion to either increase or decrease towards the celebrity the twitter wars such as Sir Alan Sugar vs Piers Morgan gets the public to fall on oneside or another in the arguement.
However twitter can be used to get positive reactions from celebrities such as Barack Obama's 2008 presidential campaign, he took to social networking sites to interact with his public not just to speak at rallies he used it to get his views across, of "Hope" and "Change" across to his twitter followers.

Friday, 14 December 2012

What is a meme??

An element of a culture or behavior that may be passed from one individual to another by nongenetic means, esp. imitation.
An image, video, etc. that is passed electronically from one Internet user to another.